Let's find YOUR therapist!

The following series of questions are designed to help you find your ideal therapist. In these series of questions, we aim to get to know who you are and what you're looking for in a therapist so we can find your best matches; so the more information you provide, the better results you'll get! Set aside 3-5 minutes and find your top matches!
Please note: if you are taking this quiz for someone other than yourself, please fill in the answers following as if you are the other person.
Please choose an option

Which of these groupings relate to you?

(Select all that apply.)
Please select an option

Do you have a preference for in person or virtual sessions?

If no, please select “No preference”
Please choose an option

Where are you located?

Please choose an option

For the right therapist, how far are you willing to travel for a session?

(If you prefer telehealth only, please select "Not Applicable")
Please choose an option

Do you need a therapist who is in-network with an insurance company? *

For more information on what we mean by in-network vs. out of network, check out our FAQs!

What insurance company are you in-network with? *

Please choose an option

If you are out of network, what is your budget per session? *

Please note that your insurance benefits may allow reimbursement for your sessions. For more information on out of network benefits, check out our FAQs!
Please choose at least one option

Ideally, when would you like your sessions to be?

(Select all the apply)

Are you currently navigating any of the following life situations or experiences?

(Check all that apply. Skip if not applicable.)
Please choose at least one option

Do you have a preference for how your therapist identifies?

If yes, check all that apply. If no, please select “No preference”
Please choose at least one option

Do you have a preference for how your therapist identifies?

If yes, check all that apply. If no, please select “No preference”
Please choose an option

Do you have a preference for the age of your therapist?

Please choose an option

Which language(s) would you prefer your therapist speaks?

Please choose at least one option

What type of therapies or modalities are you interested in?

(Select all that apply.)
Next step

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Thank you so much for taking the time to start your profile.

We'll review, confirm your credentials and let you know and let you know how to finish your profile.
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